The homily and news feed for the Monastery of the Glorious Ascension in Resaca, Georgia.
Sunday, December 28, 2014
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Inheriting the Dust
A homily on the Parable of the rich man who laid up stores in his warehouses and then sat back saying, " I have plenty stored up for many years. Now I shall rest and enjoy these things I have laid up." But, little did he know that his very soul is what would be required of him... and he had been found lacking in the one thing most needed.
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Sunday, November 16, 2014
To Be Healed Completely
Monday, November 10, 2014
Monday, October 20, 2014
Sacrificing Doubt (A Lesson from St. Thomas the Apostle)
A homily given at Monastery of the the Glorious Ascension in Resaca, Georgia on St. Thomas the Apostle Sunday (10/19/2014).
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Trading Our Stains for Gold
Saturday, October 4, 2014
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Monday, September 8, 2014
Monday, August 18, 2014
Transfiguration and Transformation
Today, Our Lord's physical nature has been transfigured by the Holy Spirit within the witness of three of the apostles. The Holy Spirit, proceeding forth from the Father and whose voice testified of the Son, has given irrefuteable witness to the divinity of the Son.
But this has happened before in the witness of the Holy Scriptures, hasn't it? We must remember the Baptism of our Lord, which the Church calls and celebrates as Theophany is but another such occasion as the one we see before us here on the Transfiguration of our Lord.
The Father sends down the Holy Spirit upon Jesus as a dove. This is a proof positive that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father alone. So many outside of the Church forget this fact and fall into grievous error by mistakenly stating that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son. These two great Feasts of the Church contain within them the essential basis of what we in the Church term "Christology"... meaning, the study of Christ's person and nature.
In the action of the Holy Spirit descending from God the Father we are given an important truth about Christ and it is important in that we should be fully aware of who Christ is to realize all that He has done and continues to do for us.
Theophany and the Transfiguration teach us that the human and divine natures of Christ are united in One Person. Christ is not a disembodied spirit and neither is He simply a man claiming to be God, for such a man as this would be a madman with delusions of grandeur. We are shown in the alighting of the Holy Spirit upon Christ that there is no unity without the presence of the Holy Spirit. For it is the presence of the Holy Spirit that reveals the glory that belongs to Christ. In the presence and witness of Moses and Elijah, we see that our Saviour is Lord over Life and Death, for Moses, who died, worships Him, and Elijah, who did not die, also worships Him. This is to be the answer to those Jews who would say that they have Moses as their father and that by some claim of birthright that they are owed a part and parcel in the Kingdom of God. This will prove to be a sure testimony against such claims.
But what the Transfiguration and Theophany really teach us is the value of and the journey towards repentance. You see, in our own journey as Orthodox Christians, we travel towards a sort of transformation ourselves. In fear and trembling we confess and repent of our many and manifold sins, hoping to be transfigured into that which Christ has called us to become. This process is called Theosis and it is the Orthodox Christian ideal of salvation. We are all at different points along the road of this journey. That's Ok. We are not in a competition with our fellow brother or sister. We are all running towards God. And let us not forget that we have been transfigured already. When you might ask? Well, at our own baptism, of course! Each of us went down into the waters as Christ descended into the grave. In this way, we died to ourselves. This process is even spoken in the Baptism Rite itself, when it says that we have put away the Old Man and his acts. We arise, alive, following Christ in His own resurrection from the dead... It is our own old nature that is left in the tomb for we have been transformed into a new creation in Christ. Behold, it is as Christ said from the cross, "Behold... I make all things new."
Being made new creations in Christ in our baptism, we receive the Holy Spirit from God the Father and are sealed in the Chrism of the Church as being now, the Faithful. No longer do we sit in the outer places of the Church during the Liturgy. No longer do we depart during the Litany of the Catechumens. We are fully present and partake of the full gifts and sacraments of the Church; which She has been given by Christ to sustain the Faithful until His coming again in glory.
And so, in the lesson of the Transfiguration, we are given an example to follow. In our own lives, we are gradually being transformed by the Holy Spirit and our own cooperation with the Holy Spirit. You see, the Christian life is likened to a fish in a swiftly moving stream. A fish that is alive swims against the current and succeeds by it's effort and life, which it possesses. One that is dead is swiftly carried away by the stream into oblivion. It is true also for the Christian. For he has been given life anew and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Now, it is up to him to persevere and to put forth the effort to journey against the currents of this present fallen age to attain to that far and distant shore where he is ever being drawn by the Holy Spirit within him. To that safe harbor of our Lord's love for us.
But remember, we must cooperate with the Holy Spirit. Our own spiritual transformation is not a passive, automatic process within us. It does not simply occur just because we have the Holy Spirit within us. For we can both go against the current and allow ourselves to be swept away with it in our complacency. We can spiritually progress, and we can also spiritually regress. We can be transfigured by the love of God or we can be disfigured by the love of sin. And like progress, regress is not sudden and dramatic, regression can be gradual, almost imperceptible until it becomes a swift moving current that drags us to the oblivion at the bottom of the falls.
Let us take heed and be watchful... and ever swimming strongly.
Saturday, August 16, 2014
The Mountain & the Mustard Seed
The Mountain and the Mustard Seed
What are the three things most necessary to the Christian to do battle with evil? In today's Gospel reading from Matthew 17: 14-23, we are told that the three essentials are Faith, Prayer and Fasting. All three are the necessary pillars of our strength and our ability to overcome evil. But moreover, how much faith is necessary? The answer may surprise you. Let us contemplate the mountain and the mustard seed.
Jesus is approached by a man who kneels down in front of him and begs mercy for his son. We are told that the son suffers from a sickness; in this case epilepsy, and the father humbly begs for the healing of his son. Then, the father relates to Christ how His disciples were unable to cure his son.
The opening of this story tells us some very important things. In Scripture, sickness is often connected to activity of demonic origins. We are to gather that the son suffered his illness because of the agency of demons that were vexing him, causing him to thrash about and to fall into the fire often. The father kneels before Christ showing humility... but not necessarily Faith. We can gather from the father's words that the disciples must have also lacked faith. They most certainly lacked faith in as much as what would have been needed to exorcise the demon from the afflicted son.
Christ rebukes the father because it is originally the father's lack of faith that has brought his son to such a perilous situation. In doing so, Christ publicly stands up for his disciples (although, He later rebukes them in private for their own lack of faith in dealing with the demon posessed man.) This serves as a lesson by example of how we should reprove and correct each other. Let us take it to the person in private first.
St. John Chrysostom tells us that this rebuke is directed at the nine apostles who could not cast out the demon. Whereas, the pillars of the Faith, Peter, James and John were not included because they had been on the mountain with Christ.
The disciples, being rebuked in private asked the Lord, why could this demon not be cast out by them? Christ tells them that the casting out of demons requires as a pre-requisite Faith, Prayer, and Fasting. These are the pillars of our Christian practice. These are the most necessary of the person who follows Christ. We are literally to have the Faith in Christ to pick up our cross and follow Him. We forsake all other vain pursuits. Prayer is the conversation that we have with the Father to build the bridge that we tread upon and to come closer to Him each day. I often say that God is infinitely far away but yet, is as intimately close to us as our next breath. When we pray, we bridge the gulf that exists between heaven and earth and we take part in a two way conversation. It is not a soliloquy or a one-sided conversation we are having. God answers in the most amazing ways. It is an ongoing dialogue, much like that between two good friends.
Fasting is the whetstone that hones the edge of our Faith. It is that which trains us to deny the flesh for the sake of the spirit. As the body becomes weak, the spirit becomes strong and clarity of vision is given to accomplish the work of the Lord.
These three things; Faith, prayer and fasting are absolutely necessary to engage in spiritual warfare. There is no healing without all three. In the Didache, the Fathers teach that both the person who is afflicted and the person who is performing the healing must have all three for the healing to be efficacious.
But how great a Faith must we have?
We are given the example of the mustard seed and the mountain. The mustard seed being the tiniest of seeds is meant to tell us that Faith... pure faith need only be possessed in a minute quantity in order to achieve monumental things. It sounds pretty simple really until one realizes that pure Faith is extremely difficult to come by. The exclamation, "Lord... I believe... Help my disbelief!!!" comes to mind. Great and pure faith occurs in the smallest of acts. But the small act is usually extraordinary in nature. The act of praying when it seems that such is the least that one can do, is actually a great sign of faith. It is the ability to put aside one's doubts and to embrace the seemingly impossible. To reach outside of our normal sphere to grasp onto the hand of Christ who has been waiting for such a moment all along, perhaps wondering what took you so long.
But such a rarified faith requires and demands a sacrifice of what we think we know and what we think that we have control over. To turn off worldly knowledge and approach the unknowable as a simple child would... in simple, pure faith.
Saturday, August 9, 2014
A Calm in the Midst of the Storm
We are in the midst of Gospel readings having to do with Christ's many miracles that He performed within the midst all. This part of the season is one of my favorites. It is refreshing to hear of these many miracles in this day and age. Especially with all that seems to be going wrong around us.
We modern Christians find it too easy to look at the world as it it exists today and find very little to be joyful about. We see the problems and tragedies of our brothers and sisters in the Holy Land and the greater Middle East and say to ourselves, where is God in all of this? We find ourselves thinking "What have I got to be excited about when there is so much terror and so much confusion in the world and heaven seems so far away?"
This example given to us in the Gospel of Matthew is yet the second time that Jesus leaves the disciples alone to go and pray. He bids the disciples to go into a ship and go on before Him while is remains alone to pray. But the disciples find that the crossing is frought with high seas and great winds which toss them about, putting them into great peril of imminent death. The disciples cry out to Christ in desperation thinking that their end was about to come swiftly! Surely we can relate to their fears in our modern times!
But let him who has ears hear the subtle truth behind this situation for it is a great truth and a parable to show us the path home.
Now open the eyes of your heart, listen with the ears of your heart, and try to understand what the Lord is teaching us. The Fathers give us the key. You see, the disciples represent the faithful: that is, all of us gathered here. The crowds that had been gathered upon the hillside previously, you know, the 5,000 who were fed of the five loaves and the two fishes; they are the God-fearing people who are not members of the Church yet. The boat that the disciples were told to embark upon is the Church. The sea with it's deep and often perilous waters represents the world. The wind that rises and is contrary is Satan who is trying to turn us away from our steady path home, which is the kingdom of God, i.e. the other side of the lake. The rough waves of the sea are the afflictions and tribulations, the trials and temptations which assail us during all our life. And of course... The crossing of the lake in the boat is the Christian life.
The true lesson here is the Love of God. For even in the midst of the storm, Christ comes to the disciples where they are. In fact, the laws of the physical world are suspended in a supernatural way so that Christ could come directly to their aid and assistance. The disciples seeing this are struck with fear and awe, thinking that this is a spirit coming toward them... A ghost is you will.
But Jesus calls out to them knowing their fears saying, "Be of good cheer, It is I... Be not afraid." This is my favorite quote of Christ for it is a salve to those who hear and believe and nonsense to those who do not. It is the word of our Lord calling out to our fears and our insecurities. It is so simple a phrase but knowing whose lips it proceeds from is absolutely awesome! It brings to mind the powerful phrase from First Peter 1:24-25
"All flesh is like grass and all its glory like the flower of grass. The grass withers, and the flower falls, but the word of our Lord endures forever."
Powerful truth!!! St. Peter had the personal, first-hand knowledge of this truth. It was he who called out to the Lord and simply exited the boat to go out to meet the Lord where He was! And he was walking upon the water as Christ was because it was Christ who sustained him and lifted him up. But, Peter, bless his heart, he began to take his eyes off of Christ and started to pay attention to the storm and the squall rushing around him. And he began to sink. His faith left him when he took his eyes off of He who first came to him. How many of us can claim the same problem as Peter?
But Peter began to call out, "Lord... Save Me!" And Christ did. In more ways than one, Christ saved Peter. Christ not only lifted Peter up and returned him to the boat in safety, but Peter confessed Christ for who He is... He is the Son of God!
At this moment, the seas calmed and the winds died. Just as Satan's power to afflict the faithful dies at the confession of the truth of Christ's sovereignty over all of creation... so did the winds lose their power to toss the ship to the depths of the sea. Here is Christ in the truth of His nature. He holds dominion over all things. He is Lord and master of creation. Surely He is still as such to us even in this modern day.
We who turn to the calmer of the storm as the disciples did that night know that within the arms of our savior we find no tragedy... We find comfort and we are to understand that when we ask where is God in the midst of the troubles and catastrophes being played out in the world today? We find that God is still there where He has always been. God is upon the Throne and is triumphant in all of His glory. He is sovereign and has control and dominion over all. Let us take comfort in the this even in the midst of the storm... and be not afraid...
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
The Great Debate
There was once a day that the members of the body decided to rebel. The feet were jealous of the hands because of all of the things the hands were able to do. The hands were jealous of the mouth because of the wonderful victuals the hands lifted to the mouth but that the hands could never taste. The ears were envious of the eyes because they had heard how wonderful colors were, but alas, they were not able to see them. In all of this commotion and arguing it was finally the head, more importantly the mind itself that shouted, "Enough!!"
When all had fallen silent, the mind began to speak with clarity.
To the feet it said, "You would make very poor hands for your inability to be dextrous and your lack of a thumb. And yet, without you, the body would not stand nor be able to walk."
To the hands it said, "You cannot taste but if you failed to be the hands, the body would have no nourishment and it would die."
To the ears it said, "You cannot perceive the brilliance of vivid colors but it is because of you that the body may hear the wisdom of the Gospels and the Fathers. Without such enlightenment, how whould the body be saved?"
You see... The body is the Church of Christ. Christ is the Head of the Church. We are each members with a role. All are equally important for the Body (*the Church) to function.
Let us be about God's work in what has been given us to do.
Saturday, August 2, 2014
Five Loaves, Two Fishes & The Abundance of God's Grace
Saturday, July 26, 2014
According to Your Faith Let It Be Done Unto You...
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Thursday, June 19, 2014
On Earth as in Heaven: The Origins of Orthodox Worship by Subdeacon Gabe Martini
On Earth as in Heaven: The Origins of Orthodox Worship
Sunday, May 11, 2014
For Love Has Set Me Upon My Feet (The Homily for The Sunday of the Paral...
Today's homily on the Sunday of the Paralytic from the Monastery of the Glorious Ascension in Resaca, Georgia on 05/11/2014.
Saturday, May 10, 2014
Love Has Set My Feet Upon The Ground (*A Homily on the Sunday of the Paralytic)
Of course the man is not the only one who sits by the pool waiting for the angel to stir the waters. There are many more. In fact, there are so many that the man has trouble getting to the pool in time to benefit from his healing properties. The man has a loan for he says he has no one to help him get to the edge of the pool. This is a sorrowful tale of this person's inner loneliness and despair.
Saint Cyprian of Carthage once said, “Everyone falls alone, but we are being saved in the community”. In a way we see instantly that this man and his state of affairs can tell us a little bit about ourselves and about salvation and how is the understood in the Orthodox Church. The man who is paralyzed is alone by himself, and in utter despair. He has no helper and no sense of hope left with him. Yet, he still sits by the pool unable to move forward and unable to carry himself home. How many of us can see this picture and view ourselves in the same predicament? How many of us by our own efforts can save themselves?
Later on in the narrative, we are given a clue to help us see the nature of the man's illness. We are led to the understanding that his illness and his state of being are caused by sin. This fact is incredibly important and actually is the hinge pin upon which we can use to fully understand the deep truth is being shown to us.
It is none other than Christ Himself, who comes to the men's aid. He asks a very simple question. "Do you wish to be healed?" it sounds simple on the surface but it implies a much deeper meaning! Let him who has ears hear the truth and understand it. That if the man's unrepented sins have caused him to be in such a helpless situation, does he now, in the depths of his affliction, wish to repent? He answered as I suppose anyone of us would answer. Of course! I wish to be healed! What Christ says next is amazing. He says "Take up thy bed and walk home." Any other person saying this to a paralyzed man would have been thought to be cruel and perhaps even a bit of a fool. But this was Jesus the Christ saying this. For it was given to Him to heal illnesses and to forgive sins.
And so the man got up, having instantly been made whole, picked up instead and WALKED towards his home. Another miracle! This man who could not walk before could now do so! But the bigger miracle still was in the forgiveness of the formerly unrepented sin. The sickness of the soul had been healed and with it, the body as well.
But of course, this was all lost upon the Pharisees. All they saw was a man performing labor on the Sabbath. They stopped man and ask him why he was performing labor on the Sabbath when it was forbidden. The enormity of the situation was utterly lost upon them. All they saw was a breach of the law and to them the law was everything and that there was nothing above the law. But by the miracle of the healing and forgiveness of the man's sins, Christ proved that His grace is above the law.
You see, the law is useful in as much as it shows us what is right and what is wrong. It teaches us to fear punishment and in a way, to fear the source of the law (*i.e- God). But it is through Grace that we are ultimately healed. Grace teaches us to do that which is right because of our love for Christ. That love for Christ is merely a reflection of the incredible love that Christ has for us. Because of this love that he has for us, Christ came to this man who could not come to His healing upon his own volition. It was through His grace that God sought out the paralytic, in the same way He even now seeks us out in the depths of our deepest sins. He has come to heal us. As He did with the paralytic, it is through His love and our acceptance of it through repentance that He has placed us upon our feet and through such healing, we can walk forward towards our home with the Father.
Christ has sought us out first because He knew that we could not, in the depths of our sinfulness, reach Him. He asks us as He once asked the paralytic, "Do you wish to be healed?" What shall your answer be?
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,
Father Benedict+
Monastery of the Glorious Ascension
Resaca, Georgia
Saturday, May 3, 2014
Baptism at the Monastery (05/03/2014)
Today we celebrated the baptism and illumination of little Emma into the Holy Orthodox Church. An incredible day filled with joy and celebration. We rejoice in the fact that this little lamb has been added to the number of those who have been baptized into Christ. Glory be unto God the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit always now and ever until the ages of ages.
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Lord I Believe Help My Disbelief (Homily for Thomas Sunday)
Thomas the Doubter had to see and to touch to believe. How many of us approach faith in the same way? How many of us are willing to take the step off of the cliff without having seen the bridge that lays before us?
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
The Entry of the King... A Homily for Palm Sunday
Saturday, April 12, 2014
If Only You Had Been There (Homily for Lazarus Sunday)
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Cultivating the Monastery Within
This morning's homily "Cultivating the Monastery Within". We will discuss St. John Climacus in the context of living the ascetic ideal in everyday life. Father Benedict discusses this important contribution on the Sunday of St. John of the Ladder at the Monastery of the Glorious Ascension on March 30, 2014.
Monday, March 24, 2014
How Heavy is Your Cross??? ~A Homily on the Sunday of the Veneration of the Holy Cross (March 23, 2014)
On this day, the Orthodox Church commemorates the discovery of the True Cross (*the Cross upon which Christ was crucified) by St. Helena, the mother of Constantine. It's discovery is a priceless treasure for the Church and for Her faithful as it represents an undeniable reality that Christ's crucifixion actually occurred and that while we have found His cross, we have not found the body that was laid upon it.
The Cross is an image of contradictions. It was once looked at as a symbol of Roman oppression, torture, and death. It was used to provide the most agonizing and humiliating death that could be meted out by the Roman authorities. Christ's death upon just such an instrument of humiliation was looked at as being like so many others at the time. He was hung between two thieves in a place that was known as the garbage heap of Jerusalem. It was a pretty horrific and ignoble death. It was His resurrection, however, that turned the Cross into a symbol of salvation for the Christian world. A symbol of death transformed into a symbol of life. From instrument of persecution to a bridge to freedom.
One can perceive the Cross as an archetype. It is often referred to as a tree. There was one other tree
mentioned in scripture with a similar description. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil was affixed in the center of the Garden of Eden. It bore upon it's branches the fruit of knowledge. However, it was a knowledge that the human race could have done without. You see... through that tree, death entered into the world. Eden was lost and through Adam & Eve's disobedience, the devil set up shop and has been doing quite a brisk business ever since. In comparison, the Cross was an instrument of death that was turned into a symbol of everlasting life. What was lost in Eden became restored at Golgotha. A bridge was built. The apple of sinfulness had rotted and fallen away but the Cross of Christ still stands as a beacon to redemption.
As the tree that once stood in the center of Eden, the Cross stood in the center of two thieves. One thief chose to remain in his fallen state. The other one, chose life. Christ stood upon the Cross in the center. Now, the Cross stands at the center of history as the defining moment where we humans have to make a choice. You see, it is ludicrous to think that we have to "find God" or to "seek out God" because it has been God
seeking US out all along! Even in the midst of wherever we are or what we are doing, He seeks us. He seeks us out in our going to sleep and in our waking. He seeks us out in our day to day activities. Yes... He even is seeking us out in the midst of the commission of our worst sins. The Cross is the message that has been established in the middle of everything to let us know that God is still listening, He is still holding out His hands to us to beckon us to come across that bridge. Even as the world turns about, the Cross of Christ stands fast, resolute, and unmoving. It is the anchor of truth in the midst of all untruth. Through it, Christ beckons us to take up our cross and follow Him, however; we must first lay down our own will and take up HIS will. We cannot carry our own cross without first taking upon ourselves His. Many of us will say that we carry our own cross because of what or who we deal with in life. But that is a gross overstatement of what we truly deal with. When Christ died upon the Cross, it held the sins of the world upon it. It became the heaviest thing in all of the universe! Yet, Christ bore it in all humility. Like a lamb before it's shearers is dumb, He spoke not. In His humility His judgment was taken away. How heavy were the sins placed upon Him on that day!
How heavy is YOUR cross?
Does your cross lead to salvation? Does it lead to justification?
The Cross of Christ bore the Lamb who was sacrificed for the whole world. His blood became the healing balm of all who would avail themselves of it for the remission of sins. Forgiveness had entered world through the an instrument of death and the sacrifice of ultimate love that was placed upon it.
How heavy is YOUR cross?
Is it heavier than Christ's?
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Father Benedict+