Sunday, January 26, 2014

"Such Faith! Such Persistence!"

The Canaanite woman who approached Christ regarding the matter of her demon-possessed daughter. Even after being compared to a dog, had the persistence, the humility and the faith to continue to beg for help.
Such a great example to all of us!
After being sharply rebuked as this woman was, how many if us would have given into pride? How many of us would have let our hurt feelings stand in the way of obtaining healing? Truly, I tell you, there was more than the daughter who was healed that day!

Monday, January 20, 2014

That All Righteousness Might Be Fulfilled

A homily given at the Monastery of the Glorious Ascension on January 19, 2014, Theophany Sunday.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

“Camels, Needles & Good Advice!!!” A Homily on Matthew 19:16-26

A Homily on Matthew 19:16-26
Reprinted from a Past Post
by Priest Benedict (Simpson) of the Monastery of the Glorious Ascension

This Gospel reading from Matthew is one that has provoked more controversy than any other one in current memory. We have two particularly difficult passages that challenge us in their directness.

We are given the occasion of a young man's encounter with the Lord and a question that he asked of Christ. The man asks quite simply the million dollar question. “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” This is a simple enough query. It is to the point, direct, and succinct in it's simplicity. It is not a question asked in a way to test Christ. Indeed, the exact term use in the man's query of Christ includes the title preface, “Good Teacher”. This is significant. The man does not address Christ as “Rabbi” or “Lord”. His words betray his opinion of Christ. He regards Jesus as simply a “Good Teacher”; one who teaches good things to the people but no more and no less.

The answer he receives is just as direct. Christ tells the man to follow the commandments. “Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Honor thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself”. To this, the man presses deeper and states, “All these things have I kept from my youth up: what lack I yet?” Here is an interesting thing! The man is in all honesty genuinely seeking a necessary truth. Here is this man who we are told later in the narrative is wealthy and without earthly need. He lives a life of relative comfort has within him the knowledge of something of great worth that he needed but was lacking.

Christ now serves the man with the meat of the Gospel. This is a statement that cuts to the bone of the soul. Jesus answers the man by saying, “If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.” Now I ask you... Which of these two tasks is the most difficult? Many would say the first task! It is hard to fathom selling all that one has and giving the proceeds to the poor! What a thing to demand!!! I NEED my stuff! How will I live without all of my stuff? What a quandary!

St. John Chrysostom actually tells us that this first requirement is actually the easiest of the two tasks given to the man. To physically sell all that one owns or to give it away is actually physically easy! One simply has to scoop it up and give it away. Certainly this is within anyone's capacity... if simply the mind and the heart would not get in the way. Christ knew this and was very clever in His response. He had discerned the man's heart rightly in that the man was “possessed by his possessions.” His message in saying this was not to say that all Christians had to be penniless and without possessions. His message was catered to this man whose grasping at material things made it impossible for him to perceive that which he needed most. In reality, it is the second of the two things that is the most difficult.

The second thing Christ tells him is to “Follow Him”. Sounds simple enough on the surface but if one takes a look at the nature and the mission of Christ, they will understand that it is indeed this second requirement that is the most extreme. To follow Christ is to deny the self and take up your Cross and “follow Him”. Christ's journey had always led to the Cross. It is the sole event that Christ's ultimate mission is centered upon. To follow Christ is to accept a sacrifice of all that one has been before and taking up Christ's Cross upon their own selves. To this, the man walked away, dejected and in sorrow, for he could not relinquish the grasp of that which he thought he needed but in reality, would weigh him down into hell, itself.

In the man's leaving, the opportunity had come for teaching the disciples and those gathered the reason all of the above had transpired. Christ turned and said,”Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven. And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.” Here is the enigmatic analogy that has really caused more confusion than it should. Some interpretations render the phrase as “rope” instead of camel due to the closeness in relation to the two root words for “camel” and “rope”. Still a nearly impossible task! However, the Peshitta (Aramaic translation) renders the phrase much more closely to an actual understandable idiom of the time that Christ lived. The phrase is thusly rendered, “camel through the eye of a gate...” Here lies a view that is supported by similar passages from the Torah regarding elephants and “eye”. The “eye of a gate” is the small opening whereby those who minded the main city gate might be able to open to allow passage of a very small person, item, or animal without having to open the main gates wide leaving the city vulnerable to attack. The main criteria for size would be to allow the passage, if just barely, of one camel after it has been divested or unloaded of all of its cargo and trappings. This last phrase is very telling! If the camel was still vested in all the cargo and freight that it had journeyed with, it would be unable to physically enter through this narrow gate. It is a truth that this fact should not be lost upon all of us who would seek after the Kingdom of Heaven.

So, what is it that you are carrying that you could not put down to follow Christ? Do we still yet cling to that which gives way to rust and decay whilst we forgo the true treasures of the Kingdom? Do we look upon that which the moth doth eat and the worm gnaws away instead of those imperishable things that are prepared for us already?

Let us be brilliant! Let us eschew that which is temporary, whatever it may be! We should not allow trivial things become stumbling blocks along the way that leads from here to Christ! The gate is narrow and the fit is tight enough without the baggage; but the reward of what lies beyond the gate is beyond imagination!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

"Out of Egypt" A Homily on Matthew 2:13-23 (Sunday, January 12, 2014)

Today we read in the Gospel of the Holy Family's flight into Egypt. An angel appears to Joseph, rousing him from sleep and telling him, 

“Arise, take the young Child and His mother, flee to Egypt, and stay there until I bring you word; for Herod will seek the young Child to destroy Him.” (Matthew 2:13)

It is curious that the angel would say to Joseph to take them into Egypt. There were surely many other places that they could have fled to for safety that were out of Herod's reach.  Why should they go all the way into Egypt?
The answer is found in the Old Testament with Hosea saying, 

“When Israel was a child, I loved him, And out of Egypt I called My son." (Hosea 11:1)

In this enigmatic phrase, the word "son" is referring to Israel. Hosea is referring to Israel as a child that shall be brought out of Egypt. Israel is brought out of bondage and promised a land that flows with milk and honey. The chains are cast off and Israel is a slave no more. The child shall walk into freedom!

But what happens when Israel is led out from the bondage of the Egyptians? It soon enters, rather willingly into bondage of another sort. Israel soon falls into idolatry and burning incense unto graven images and such. Israel, the child ultimately fails and breaks it's covenant with the Lord time and time again.

But now, the angel sends the Holy Family into Egypt to escape the rage of Herod so that the prophecy may be fulfilled that the Son of Man shall come out of Egypt. But this "Son" shall be much different than the previous. This Son shall be Holy and Righteous. He shall be perfect in all that He is and shall be called the King of the Jews, the Lord of Lords, King of Kings and most importantly "Messiah". What was once broken, He shall mend. He shall overcome death and the grave to become the redeemer of all who would come and believe. To this we in the Orthodox Church exclaim, "Christ is Born! Christ is Born! Christ is Born! Let us Glorify Him!!!"

With such a glory to have beheld and to claim to believe, what is it that we find ourselves in bondage to? As Christians we are called to live in this world but to not be "of" it. The Church is to be set apart from the world and it's myriad ways. As the motto that was placed above the old Carthusian monastery in France once exclaimed, "The World Ever Turns but the Cross of Our Christ Remains Steadfast..."  The Church exists in this world but it should never become of it. Those who complain that the Church must conform to society or die do not realize (*or perhaps they do...) that the Church that conforms to worldly ideals ceases to be the Church. The Church constantly engages in the affairs of this world as it's conscience and it's witness. It is not the Church that must conform to the world, but it is the world which should conform to what the Church has born witness to. 

We are each called out to go against the grain. We are to be abrasive in the face of sinfulness. We are to be salt and light. As was once wisely opined by Metropolitan Philaret of Moscow, 

"A fish that is alive swims against the flow of the water. One that is dead floats down with the water. A true Christian goes against the current of the sinful age. A false one is swept away by its swiftiness."

This is a truth worth bearing, dear ones! We live now in that sinful age. Being brought out of bondage and having walked in freedom, shall we willingly re-enter it and place the shackles of this world back upon our own wrists and feet?

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit...

Your Servant in Christ,
Monastery of the Glorious Ascension
Resaca, Georgia